The site plan and architectural plans for the 3 floors for the property in Spring Street are complete. They have been submitted to the Town of Lexington for approval. We have requested a meeting with the town officials to review the plans. InshaAllah, we will meet in the first week of the new year.
The floor plans of the current structure and the proposed plans are posted side by side so everyone can see the changes.
We are calling the changes Phase 1+. The town required us to add a second egress from the second floor. This required adding a hallway and stairs in the rear of the building. We were planning to add washrooms in phase 2 of the project. This has been moved to phase 1. Also, we moved forward removing the walls on the first floor and basement to phase 1 so we have more room and the place looks like a masjid and we are not isolated from each other. Second floor will be used for classrooms and meetings. Alhamdulillah, there will be space for 48 cars on the premises. With these changes, we should be able to host our brothers and sisters from the neighboring towns, InshaAllah.
We need your financial support to complete the project quickly. Please donate generously.
Jazak Allah Khair. May Allah bless you and your family.
Donate to
Build Masjid (Zelle)
Donate to
Build Masjid (MOHID)
Pictures of pre-renovation and on-going progress of work.
Asselemu aleikom wa rahmatou Allah Wa barakatouh,
With the grace of Allah (SWT), the MACCLM Board is pleased to announce that we have secured a contract for the property at 166 Spring St, Lexington, for $1.31 million. The closing is scheduled to take place on the blessed day of Eid-ul-Adha, immediately following the Eid prayer, in the presence of our entire community.
This property requires significant renovation or possible reconstruction. In the near future, Insha’Allah, MACCLM will present detailed options to the community for feedback and guidance.
We urgently need $300K in the next 3 weeks to complete the purchase. At this time, MACCLM does not plan to pursue any bank financing. Instead, we trust in the generosity and support of our community members.
We will be announcing a fundraising event soon. May Allah (SWT) bless our efforts and guide us on the right path.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan.
Asselemu aleikom wa rahmatou Allah Wa barakatouh,
MACCLM has been presented with a formal offer through the attorneys of the property owners, Brother Abdul Jaleel and Sister Shermin Jaleel. They propose a “purchase price of $2.4 million, with a down payment of $240,000, which would be non-refundable and a 45-day closing period”.
It is worth noting that the Town of Lexington has assessed the property at $1.55 million for tax purposes, and the owners acquired it for $1.3 million in 2019. For further details, please refer to the attached offer letter.
The MACCLM board is evaluating its response and will soon share with the community.
Jazak Allah Khair
Formal Offer from Br Dr Abdul Jaleel & Sr Shermeen Jaleel:
Asselemu aleikom wa rahmatou Allah Wa barakatouh,
The MACCLM Board wanted to share an important update regarding the property matter. We have received a response from the attorney of the propoerty owner’s attorney. Please see the attached letter.
According to the response, the property owners, Br Abdul Jaleel and Sr Shermeen Jaleel, have stated their intention to sell the property at the market price while ensuring a reasonable profit. Additionally, they have declined our bank’s pre-approved credit for the purchase.
We understand the disappointment this news may bring to the community. Please be assured that the MACCLM Board is actively and diligently working on resolving this matter. The Board, in parallel, is actively exploring a possibility of purchasing property elsewhere in Lexington.
InshaAllah, we will keep you updated as we make progress on either fronts.
Response from Br Dr Abdul Jaleel & Sr Shermeen Jaleel’s Attorney:
Asselemu aleikom wa rahmatou Allah Wa barakatouh,
In the last few weeks, the board invited Dr. Abdul Jaleel to meet and discuss the potential sale of the property to MACCLM. Dr. Abdul Jaleel, through his lawyer, indicated that before he would be able to enter into negotiations on any sale, he needs to know that MACCLM has the sufficient funds to complete the purchase.
The board responded by sending a bank statement indicating that MACCLM has $620K in the bank account and a pre-approval letter from a bank for a loan in the amount of $900K. The board also indicated that we received commitments from community members for over $400K in Quard-Hassan (no-interest loan). We also indicated that we are actively working to secure a loan from Islamic financing institutions, and that we received a positive response from UIF Corporation.
Last week we received a response from Dr. Abdul Jaleel’s lawyer stating that “[n]o agreement has been reached with regard to the price or terms of sale” and that “[t]he Landlord sees no need to enter into negotiations with MACCLM on a sales price for the property if MACCLM cannot provide it with confirmation that it has the necessary funds to purchase the property with cash, or cash plus the ability to obtain a commercial mortgage from a bank.” Dr. Abdul Jaleel’s lawyer added the following points (emphasis added):
MACCLM board, on behalf of the community, is working with an attorney to send a response to Dr. Jaleel’s attorney. MACCLM board is also exploring alternatives in case the landlord is still unwilling to transfer the property to MACCLM.
MACCLM has been leasing the property at 344 Lowell Street, Lexington, MA. The lease ends in April 2024. This property was initially purchased for $1.3 Million by the Lexington Peace Center (LPC). Brother Dr. Mohammad Abdul Jaleel and Sister Shermin Jaleel are the trustees of the trust which owns LPC. The intention has always been for MACCLM to eventually take ownership of the property from LPC.
The Board of MACCLM has been actively working towards purchasing the current property and has sent another invitation letter to Br Mohammad Jaleel and is waiting for his response. We have asked him to respond by May 31st.
MACCLM is funded by the Muslim community in and around Lexington. All rent, utilities and services for the center has been paid by MACCLM. The rent paid to date is intended to count towards the purchase price of the property once MACCLM was financially ready for the purchase.
MACCLM has over $500,000 in savings from past fundraising events and donations. Alhamdulillah, we were able to raise more than $150,000 during the 2023 Ramadan Fundraising event. In addition, we have secured commitments (in the form of qard-hasana) from members of the community for several hundred thousand dollars for the purpose of purchasing a property. All funds raised to buy the property is untouched. Thanks to the generous donations from the sustaining members and the community members, MACCLM has supplemental funds to cover all the operational costs.
April 2021 was the era of post COVID Ramadan when the community come together under the open tent to celebrate the blessed month. MashaAllah we were able to hold Taraweeh prayers in the center keeping the safe distances. We had drive by Iftar packed for the community to pick up. We were able to hold the event to raise the needed funds for the center. It was a success. We were able to raise close to $118,000 even during the trying times.
Here is the YouTube video of the speakers at the event (Click to View):
Alhamdulillah, the lease to purchase agreement was signed to acquire the property for the Muslim American Community Center of Lexington, MA (MACCLM) on September 10, 2019 (Muharram 10, H1441). The agreement was signed between MACCLM and Lexington Peace Center LLC. The property is located at 344 Lowell Street, Lexington, MA.
The newly formed Muslim American Community Center of Lexington (MACCL), a non-profit religious organization, started it journey on Sunday, March 17 with an inaugural ceremony at the Lexington Historical Society Building, Depot Square Lexington. Around one hundred Lexington Muslims and invited dignitaries from Muslim Centers around Greater Boston area attended the ceremony. Dr. Basyouny Nehela, the Dean of Boston Islamic Seminary was the keynote speaker.
Quoting from the Quran and Prophet Muhammad’s (Peace and Blessings be on him) tradition, he empathized the importance and the role of a community in a society to inculcate the values of peace and piety by serving the people in the society irrespective of their beliefs, helping the needy and the underprivileged and to achieving excellence in doing things for the benefit of Lexington and the country at large. Dr. Mawdud-ur-Rahman introduced MACCL to the community. Dr. M.A. Jaleel highlighted the vision and the mission of the organization and outlined a list of long-term and short-term goals. He hoped that the MACCL becomes a center of excellence and provide service to all communities. Dr. Akmal Sarwar received comments and questions on behalf of the MACCL. Before the program started the Afternoon Prayer, one of the five daily prayers for Muslims was offered in congregation. The prayer call was recited by Dr. Abdus Sattar Khan.
The program started with prayers for the New Zealand mosque victims and their families. The closing doa (prayers) was led by Imam Dr. Basyouny Nehela, He prayed for the peace and prosperity of our town, the community and also for the New Zealand victims.
MACCL event volunteers included its 17 Council members. Logistic supports including refreshments were provided by Naseem, Hifza, Iram, Sana, Saima, Eman and Shermin. Young volunteers Mariam, Aafreen, Hoda, Mohammad and Omar assisted in receiving and registering the guests.
Finally, Eman Mogran thanked all guests dignitaries, and volunteers who contributed to the success of the event, and the Lexington Historical Society building administration for letting us use the facilities.
Submitted by:
Ms. Shermin Jaleel
Communication Director, MACCL