The site plan and architectural plans for the 3 floors for the property in Spring Street are complete. They have been submitted to the Town of Lexington for approval. We have requested a meeting with the town officials to review the plans. InshaAllah, we will meet in the first week of the new year.
The floor plans of the current structure and the proposed plans are posted side by side so everyone can see the changes.
We are calling the changes Phase 1+. The town required us to add a second egress from the second floor. This required adding a hallway and stairs in the rear of the building. We were planning to add washrooms in phase 2 of the project. This has been moved to phase 1. Also, we moved forward removing the walls on the first floor and basement to phase 1 so we have more room and the place looks like a masjid and we are not isolated from each other. Second floor will be used for classrooms and meetings. Alhamdulillah, there will be space for 48 cars on the premises. With these changes, we should be able to host our brothers and sisters from the neighboring towns, InshaAllah.
We need your financial support to complete the project quickly. Please donate generously.
Jazak Allah Khair. May Allah bless you and your family.
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Build Masjid (Zelle)
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Build Masjid (MOHID)