MACCLM Board - Property Update to Community

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Asselemu aleikom wa rahmatou Allah Wa barakatouh,

MACCLM has been presented with a formal offer through the attorneys of the property owners, Brother Abdul Jaleel and Sister Shermin Jaleel. They propose a “purchase price of $2.4 million, with a down payment of $240,000, which would be non-refundable and a 45-day closing period”.

It is worth noting that the Town of Lexington has assessed the property at $1.55 million for tax purposes, and the owners acquired it for $1.3 million in 2019. For further details, please refer to the attached offer letter.

The MACCLM board is evaluating its response and will soon share with the community.

Jazak Allah Khair

Formal Offer from Br Dr Abdul Jaleel & Sr Shermeen Jaleel: