MACCLM Board - Property Update to Community

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Asselemu aleikom wa rahmatou Allah Wa barakatouh,

The MACCLM Board wanted to share an important update regarding the property matter. We have received a response from the attorney of the propoerty owner’s attorney. Please see the attached letter.

According to the response, the property owners, Br Abdul Jaleel and Sr Shermeen Jaleel, have stated their intention to sell the property at the market price while ensuring a reasonable profit. Additionally, they have declined our bank’s pre-approved credit for the purchase.

We understand the disappointment this news may bring to the community. Please be assured that the MACCLM Board is actively and diligently working on resolving this matter. The Board, in parallel, is actively exploring a possibility of purchasing property elsewhere in Lexington.

InshaAllah, we will keep you updated as we make progress on either fronts.

Response from Br Dr Abdul Jaleel & Sr Shermeen Jaleel’s Attorney: